Friday, September 2, 2011

garden goings on

Here's a quick garden update before we head off on our trip to Italy. I think I've already mentioned that we lost all our tomatoes to late blight and Steve especially was very disappointed. But there have been some great successes too.
The first pumpkin we picked with 4 year old Grace's hand in for scale. Also a butternut squash there. I've since learned that I should leave the butternut squashes on a but longer, bit this one still tasted great.

The pumpkin patch is a tangle of vines and leaves and nettles. We have to dress up for battle before venturing into it, but still always manage to get a few nettle stings. There are some huge pumpkins in there and I'm still coming across round courgettes that have grown a bit to big for anything other than soup, like this one below.

I think the two yellow courgette plants have been my ultimate favourite this year. They have been very productive, are easy to look after and they taste yummy.

The potatoes and onions were a little on the small side so we'll work on that next year.

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